
Welcome. On this site you can view information concerning existing and future Romanian motorways.

A4 Motorway: Constanta Bypass

Length: 52 km. Status:

Color map: Open (42%); under construction (0%); planned (58%).

The A4 Motorway is the Constanta bypass Motorway, which is fully open, together with the connection route with A2 motorway (Cumpana - 23 August).

For detailed information please choose a section from the list below:

I.Constanta BypassOpenJul 2011, Sep 2011, Jul 2012, Jul 2013
II.Techirghiol AlternativeTender in progress-

I.Constanta Bypass

Status: Open

Length: 21.80 km

A4 is the Constanta bypass Motorway and is fully open. The contractor for this project was the Consortium of Astaldi - FCC, with works starting in 2009. O stretch of 5.4 km, connecting the Murfatlar - Constanta section and Agigea on A2, was opened in July 2011, with an additional 4 km opened at the end of September 2011. 10.4 km were opened in July 2012 and 2 km between Lazu and Constanta Port in July 2013.

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II.Techirghiol Alternative

Status: Tender in progress

Length: 30.59 km

The Techirghiol Alternative is a route that starts at the South of Constanta, bypasses a part of resorts located on the Black Sea coast and ends close to Olimp.

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